It’s about People, People

Why do I make movies? Why do I act, write, eat, breathe?

Is it about swimming pools and majestic palm trees on my front lawn?

Is it about fame? Autographs? Being chased by Paparazzi? Starlets? Being seen at the Ivy with Charlize Theron?

Why do I live? Why do I love?

Is it all about me? It’s a me, me, me world, after all.

Is it all about gadgets? I just got my new Apple Watch.

Is it about technological advances? Artificial intelligence? Robots? Space travel? New frontiers? Star Trek?

Is it about love? Love makes the world go ‘round, right? All you need is love.

Or is it about people? A little about me, and a lot about other people? My girl, my sister, my nephew, my friends, all of the people in the world I will never meet? Helping others? Inspiring others? Making people smile, laugh, cry, even learn a little about life? If I cry on a movie screen, maybe someone else won’t have to. If I laugh, maybe someone else will too. Maybe I can make just one person’s day a tiny bit better — just a little. And maybe he will do the same for someone else. And I’ll still have lunch with Charlize at the Ivy.


Now read this

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

The cliché is, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” Some clichés are grounded in truth. This one is ass-backwards. The only things that can hurt you are those things you know nothing about. The enemy of life is ignorance, not knowledge.... Continue →